App "O Meu Pingo Doce"

Pingo Doce
3 weeks
Team Involved

2 Developers

Retail & Wholesale
Pingo Doce

The Challenge

It is difficult to reach every single store's employee, to keep people involved with the company's culture and assure quick information flow, specially during pandemic times. For that reason, our client challenged us to create an app that could improve employee engagement and communication.

Our Goals

The "O Meu Pingo Doce" app excels communication for more engaged and happier employees. The aim was to develop and improve the app funcionalities in order to positivley impact the customer experience of Pingo Doce's clients.

Our Solution

We developed a mobile application using Outsystems Mobile and improved pre-defined features for Pingo Doce's employees in Back-end but also in the Front-end. It is now possible to mange efficently the content to be displayed to their employees once it allows the creation of more detailed and customized contents but also its classification (by relevance), share settings and notifications.

The Results

What our client says

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